Michael and I recently flew back from Lexington, Kentucky. Our flight was into Orlando, Florida so we expected to see LOTS of families with young children on the flight. (Mickey and Minnie are popular people to visit!) We did not, however, expect to be given a goody bag for sitting next to some of those children.
Imagine our surprise when we found a bag of candy, gum and (yes!) ear plugs in our seats. Now, before you think the airline got overly nice – it was not from them. No, the package was a sweet gesture from the parents of twin boys flying for the first time!
Inside the small, plastic bag was a note that read “Hi! We are two year old twin boys traveling by airplane for the very first time. We are STOKED. Our mom and dad, on the other hand, are a little nervous (okay, mostly mom). They have packed special bags of activities to keep us busy and have even gotten special medicine for our ears (just in case).
But, if none of this works, they thought an apology in advance would help other passengers. So, here are some ear plugs and candy in case things get out of hand. Our mom really hopes you don’t have to use the ear plugs! Sincerely, The two REALLY excited little boys sitting pretty close to you.”
Is this not the cutest and NICEST thing? Michael and I do not have children of our own (yet), but I am totally filing this away under “things to remember as a mom.”
Oven Fried Okra (Savannah, Georgia)
As I stood up to deplane I felt the need to tell the parents “thank you”. The thank you was not just for the gum and ear plugs, but for exposing their kids to more than their hometown and for making memories as a family a priority! PS – The boys were excellent. They only cried a little bit during the landing … but the grown man across the aisle from us looked like he wanted to cry like a baby too!