Most events that occur on a daily basis are bland, monotonous and boring. Most. Sunsets are an exception to that rule. Each one is unique. Each vantage point is beautiful. It’s the Maker’s perfect ending to the day. Here are some of the beauties we’ve captured with our camera.
5. Dubai Desert Reserve – A noontime desert sun is nothing by a fiery nuisance. However, as it begins to set it creates lighting that would make any photographer giddy. It’s subtle reflection off of the sand is stunning and signals cooler temperatures to come!
4. Pemuteran Bay, Bali – The soft glow of this sunset was the perfect ending to our lazy day in the waters of Bali. However, it also signaled the start of many local fishermen’s night-time fishing excursions.
3. Silhouettes in San Diego – Contrary to what you might think this is not a male model. No, it’s our good friend enjoying California’s finest in wine, beaches and sunsets.
2. Etosha National Park, Namibia – This picture is one of my favorites of all of our travel photos. It was taken after our first day in Namibia where we were thrilled to spot giraffe, elephants, zebra, ostriches and even a rhinoceros. This photo was taken moments before we retired to our room. It was as if the sun was saying “The animals are pretty, but watch and see what I can do!”
1. St. Petersburg, Florida – This is our favorite sunset picture for so, so many reasons. First, the colors in the sky are gorgeous. Second,St. Petersburg, Florida is one of our favorite places in Florida and lastly, this picture was taken moments after my best friend exchanged vows with her husband-to-be. The sunset marked the beginning of a fun night and beautiful marriage.